NEW ARTICLES - September 2019 |
Big bang universe "should not actually exist" |
Creation.com |
At Nature: The “bizarre logic” of the multiverse is explored in a review |
Uncommon Descent |
Astronomers can't agree on galaxies without dark matter |
Astronomy |
Why do astronomers believe in dark matter? |
The Conversation |
Rob Sheldon on why astronomers believe in dark matter |
Uncommon Descent |
Are We All Wrong About Black Holes? |
Quanta Magazine |
What Albert Einstein owes to David Hume's notion of time |
Aeon |
The Trouble with Many Worlds |
BackReaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder explains the problem with the “many worlds” hypothesis |
Uncommon Descent |
The five most promising ways to quantize gravity |
BackReaction |
Quantum algorithm in nature |
Technology Review |
How scientists convert to the idea that the universe itself is alive |
Uncommon Descent |
Sean Carroll - Even Physicists Don't Understand Quantum Mechanics |
NY Times Opinion |
Where Quantum Probability Comes From |
Quanta Magazine |
Sean Carroll - Physicists don’t even want to understand quantum mechanics |
Uncommon Descent |
Cosmologist Sean Carroll: A radical multiverse is the price we pay for unifying physics |
Uncommon Descent |
An important quantum algorithm may actually be a property of nature |
Technology Review |
Are black holes made of dark energy? |
Science Daily |
Some physicists still doubt whether LIGO has seen gravitational waves |
New Scientist |
Secular Alternatives to the Big Bang Are Expanding |
Answers in Genesis |
Water found on a potentially life-friendly alien planet |
National Geographic |
How the Many-Worlds theory of Hugh Everett split the Universe |
Aeon |
Researchers: Exoplanet, 2x the size of Earth, has not only water but possible rain clouds |
Uncommon Descent |
Study Finds the Universe Might Be 2 Billion Years Younger |
Slashdot |
Is the universe two billion years younger than we think? |
Uncommon Descent |
Why do some scientists believe that our universe is a hologram? |
BackReaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder: Why some scientists think the universe is a hologram |
Uncommon Descent |
New hunt for dark matter: Physicists theorize a novel way to explore the nature of dark matter with lasers |
Science Daily |
Venus Could Have Supported Life for Billions of Years |
Universe Today |
Oxygen depletion in ancient oceans caused major mass extinction |
Florida State University |
A giant asteroid crash caused an ancient ice age on Earth, but also gave life a boost |
Dust cloud sparked explosion in primitive life on Earth |
The Guardian |
Nature: Ancient worm fossil rolls back origins of animal life |
Nature |
T. Rex had an air conditioner in its head |
Science Daily |
Scientists Discover New Evidence of the Asteroid That Killed Off the Dinosaurs |
Wall Street Journal |
New evidence found for the asteroid that deep-sixed the dinosaurs |
Uncommon Descent |
To Solve a (Cambrian) Problem: Declare It Solved! |
Evolution News |
Why is Earth so biologically diverse? Mountains hold the answer |
Science Daily |
A Whale of a Story |
Detecting Design |
One of world's oldest bird species found in Waipara, New Zealand |
Science Daily |
Scientists find biology's optimal 'molecular alphabet' may be preordained |
Science Daily |
Researchers: Biology's optimal 'molecular alphabet' may be preordained |
Uncommon Descent |
Math Reveals the Secrets of Cells' Feedback Circuitry |
Quanta Magazine |
Origin-of-Life Study Points to Chemical Chimeras, Not RNA |
Quanta Magazine |
Maybe messiness somehow jiggered life into existence? |
Uncommon Descent |
Life's building blocks may have formed in interstellar clouds |
Science Daily |
DNA is held together by hydrophobic forces |
Chalmers |
Have we been wrong about DNA bonds all these years? |
Uncommon Descent |
Cause of antibiotic resistance identified |
Phys.org |
When Biologists Speak to Biology Teachers |
Evolution News |
Hybridization—long considered a “dead end”—may be key to rapid speciation |
Uncommon Descent |
Giving birth two million years ago was 'relatively easy' |
DNA 'origami' takes flight in emerging field of nano machines |
Science Daily |
Genomics Shows Evolutionary Theory Is Baseless |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers mix RNA and DNA to study how life's process began billions of years ago |
Science Daily |
How to construct a protein factory |
Science Daily |
Missing Link Between Simple Cells and Complex Life-Forms Possibly Found |
Live Science |
Optimality in genetic code robust w/ respect to comparison code sets |
Science Direct |
Earliest signs of life: Scientists find microbial remains in ancient rocks |
Science Daily |
The oldest genetic data ever found |
Cosmos Magazine |
Scientists identify rare evolutionary intermediates to understand the origin of eukaryotes |
Science Daily |
David Gelernter Takes On Darwinism |
Manhattan Contrarian |
The Manhattan Contrarian on David Gelernter abandoning Darwinism |
Uncommon Descent |
Coyne says Gelernter is Wrong About Ditching Darwin |
Quillette |
Waste Not: Research Finds that "Far from Junk DNA," ERVs Perform "Critical Cellular Functions" |
Evolution News |
More functions for ERVs and LINEs |
Creation |
From a database of genomes to a forest of evolutionary trees |
Nature |
Evolution: The Grand Experiment-Official Site | Whale Evolution |
The Grand Experiment |
Whale ears - supplement to Appendix F of Evolution: The Grand Experiment (3rd ed.) |
The Grand Experiment |
Behe's Latest Arguments: A Review of Darwin Devolves |
Answers in Genesis |
The Darwinian 'Struggle for Existence' is Really About Balance |
Evolution Institute |
Foresight in Single Cells |
Evolution News |
Natural Selection: Where Is It? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Darwin's finches continue to inform and confuse |
Cosmos Magazine |
More salt in the peppered moth’s wounds |
Uncommon Descent |
Peppered Moths and More: Intelligent Design Takes Ownership of Evolution Icons |
Evolution News |
Is Nature needlessly annoying Dan Graur, the champion of junk DNA? |
Uncommon Descent |
How do we get so many different types of neurons in our brain? |
Science Daily |
Radical Experiment Reveals How the Chemistry of Life Could Have Begun in Deep Space |
Science Alert |
Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve |
Answers in Genesis |
Over a Dozen More Dinosaur Soft Tissues |
What Color Really Evolved For |
Nautilus |
Design Everywhere: When Maggots Fly, and More |
Evolution News |
The stormy fluid dynamics of the living cell |
Physics Today |
Mystery solved about the machines that move your genes |
Science Daily |
Toxic frogs with weak defenses persist in the gene pool alongside stronger competitors |
Science Daily |
Does survival of the fittest not apply to frogs? |
Uncommon Descent |
Paper: Sperm cells take up genetic material from outside themselves |
Uncommon Descent |
Komodo Dragon Genome Bites Evolution |
Universal code in our brains for what we find beautiful |
Science Daily |
Embryo-like structures created from human stem cells |
Nature |
Human hearts evolved for endurance |
Science Daily |
North Atlantic haddock use magnetic compass to guide them |
Science Daily |
Reconstructing Denisovan Anatomy Using DNA Methylation Maps |
Cell |
Genetic Deep Dive Helps Explain How Whales Evolved to Become Aquatic |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Spiders Can Fly |
The Atlantic |
Discovery: Spiders fly hundreds of miles using electricity |
Uncommon Descent |
Should the Story of Homo's Dispersal Out of Africa Be Rewritten? |
Sapiens |
From The Atlantic on Teaching Human Evolution, a Bit of Rare Honesty in Reporting |
Evolution News |
Now what? The Atlantic fails to show proper respect to the Darwin lobby |
Uncommon Descent |
Evidence for early man in Asia half a million years earlier than thought |
Uncommon Descent |
That popular monkey-to-man chart gets evolution all wrong |
Quartz |
New A. anamensis cranium undermines the human evolutionary tree |
Creation.com |
The Sima Hominins: An Ancient Human Cold Case |
Uncommon Descent |
Apeman Waves Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism |
Evolution News |
Gunter Bechly: Farewell, says the apeman |
Uncommon Descent |
Three scholars of “biodiversity and biology” suggest ditching the Darwinian descent of man graphic |
Uncommon Descent |
Neanderthal DNA in Modern Human Genomes Is Not Silent |
The Scientist |
What difference does Neanderthal ancestry make? |
Uncommon Descent |
Insight into competitive advantage of modern humans over Neanderthals |
Science Daily |
Neanderthal Sex Lives: Signs in Their Bones |
Sapiens |
Homo heidelbergensis: The Answer to a Mysterious Period in Human History? |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Rare 10 million-year-old fossil unearths new view of human evolution |
University of Missouri |
Fossil Ape Skull Is a Game Ender |
Long lost human relative unveiled: First glimpse at what ancient Denisovans may have looked like |
Science Daily |
No bones about it: a first glimpse of what Denisovans looked |
Cosmos Magazine |
Physics envy is a terrible thing, especially in economists |
Uncommon Descent |
"Who Designed the Designer?": Egnor Addresses a Perennial Challenge |
Evolution News |
Melanie Phillips, Pro-Sanity Journalist, on David Gelernter's Darwin Apostasy |
Evolution News |
David Goldman on Gelernter's Darwin Apostasy |
Evolution News |
“Spengler” speaks out on David Gelernter (the Yale computer guy who dumped Darwin) |
Uncommon Descent |
Another philosopher openly dumps Darwinism, cites its acceptance of deception |
Uncommon Descent |
Does Darwinism not matter the way it used to? |
Uncommon Descent |
Richard Sternberg: Intelligent Design "Through the Eyes of a Platonist" |
Evolution News |
Is the definition of atheism "a lack of belief in God"? |
Wintery Knight |
Religion and science don't contradict - they just answer different questions |
Homo Deus, the worship of Man, and the recovery of Genesis |
Creation |
Podcast on Michael Ruse's book on Darwinism and war |
Discovery Institute |
A Famous Argument Against Free Will Has Been Debunked |
The Atlantic |
Was famous old evidence against free will just debunked? |
Mind Matters |
Discredited paper claiming that religious children are less generous is still cited in media |
Uncommon Descent |
New science blooms after star researchers die, study finds |
Science is deeply imaginative: why is this treated as a secret? |
Aeon |
Once Again: Who Designed the Designer? |
Evolution News |
Simplistic images of Science History by Pinker and Tyson |
Forbidden Histories |
A Logical Misunderstanding About Design Arguments |
Uncommon Descent |
"A fond farewell to a brilliant and beautiful theory" - David Gelernter |
Detecting Design |
Darwinism IS a beautiful theory. but then so is astrology |
Uncommon Descent |
Yale university professor renounces Darwinism! |
Creation.com |
Melanie Phillips weighs in on the apostasy of David Gelernter |
melaniephillips.com |
Brit commentator Melanie Phillips weighs in on David Gelernter dumping Darwin |
Uncommon Descent |
Once More From The Top, On “Mechanism” |
Uncommon Descent |
Rational Religion’s conversations with Darwin skeptic David Berlinski |
Uncommon Descent |
Lay Catholics questioning Darwinism? |
Uncommon Descent |
Radical Constructivism, Naturalistic Scientism And Math Education — Ideas Have Consequences |
Uncommon Descent |
Richard Weikart: Darwinian philosopher embraces Darwinism as a religion |
Uncommon Descent |
Documentary follows Pastafarians as they strain for recognition |
The Guardian |
Man Who Worships Pasta Provides City Invocation in Alaska |
Pulpit and Pen |
Richard Dawkins: How we can outgrow God and religion |
New Scientist |
Response to Richard Dawkins - "God Is the Best Explanation for the Applicability of #Mathematics to the Physical World." - William Lane Craig |
Uncommon Descent |
Book review of Richard Dawkins' "Outgrowing God" |
Creation |
Outgrowing Facts: Inaccuracies in Richard Dawkins' new book |
The Good Book |
Evolution Has Not Been Kind to Jerry Coyne |
Evolution News |
Karsten Pultz: The perils of talking about ID He wonders, should he give up? |
Uncommon Descent |
New Clues Found in Understanding Near-Death Experiences |
Scientific American |
Why it's dangerous to liken DNA to computer code |
The Guardian |
Why the brain is not at all like a computer |
Mind Matters |
Can computers simply evolve greater intelligence? |
Mind Matters |
Can free will really be a scientific idea? |
Mind Matters |
Did consciousness evolve to find love? |
Mind Matters |
Consciousness Doesn't Depend on Language |
Nautilus |
Near-Death Experiences Are More Real Than Some of the Research |
Mind Matters |
The Extinction of Reason - Climate Change |
Melanie Philiips |
Jerry Coyne on Our "Divinity Sense Organs" |
Uncommon Descent |
Did consciousness “evolve”? |
Mind Matters |
Apocalypse Now - More Things Scientists Would Like You to Forget |
Evolution News |
Mivart as Popularizer of Zoology in Britain and America, 1869–1881 |
Science Direct |
Human Embryoids Can Now Be Mass-Produced |
Late stage materialism?: Panpsychism (your coffee mug is conscious) sounds crazy but… |
Uncommon Descent |
One of the biggest problems with Darwin’s theory may now be his supporters |
Uncommon Descent |
Rob Sheldon on why statisticians are in a panic |
Uncommon Descent |
Dawkins et al call for ID ban in Welsh Schools |
Demand for a ban on teaching creationism in Welsh schools |
Uncommon Descent |
Skeptic editor duped by fake professor: The Fabulist and the Publisher |
Skeptic.com |
Skeptics duped by fake prof |
Uncommon Descent |
Weikart on Racism, Darwinism and Christianity |
Discovery |
If computers are intelligent, climbing a tree is flying |
Mind Matters |
80-year-old problem around irrational numbers solved by new proof |
Uncommon Descent |
Another Darwinian mass shooting? (ln July) |
Uncommon Descent |
True nature of consciousness: Solving the biggest mystery of your mind |
New Scientist |
Exposing Junk Climate Science |
Powerline Blog |