RECENT ARTICLES - September 2018 |
Scientists hunt mysterious 'dark force' to explain hidden realm of the cosmos |
The Guardian |
Dark energy is the biggest mystery in cosmology, but it may not exist at all - leading physicist |
Horizon Magazine |
What is Dark Matter? Even the Best Theories Are Crumbling |
Discover Magazine Blogs |
Black holes in a box do not behave like string theorists think they should |
Back Reaction |
Early Sun's 'Goldilocks' Rotation Rate May Be Why We're Here |
Forbes |
What Does Quantum Theory Actually Tell Us about Reality? |
Scientific American |
A New Test for the Leading Big Bang Theory |
Quanta Magazine |
Review of Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray, by Sabine Hossenfelder |
Physics World |
There is neither space nor time |
Nautilus |
The crisis inside the physics of time |
Nautilus |
Will increasingly sophisticated computer simulation “end” theoretical physics as we know it? |
Uncommon Descent |
The fight over the universe has turned ugly, with accusations of “cheating” |
Uncommon Descent |
Suarez: Quantum nonlocal correlations come from outside space-time |
Uncommon Descent |
At Scientific American: Quantum theory does not require a conscious observer |
Uncommon Descent |
Universe fine-tuned for carbon, hence life, says astronomer |
Uncommon Descent |
Refining intergalactic measurements could alter our whole understanding of physics |
Horizon Magazine |
A Beautiful, Wonderful Solution to the Cambrian Puzzle? |
Evolution News |
More Excuses for Cambrian Non-Evolution |
Evolution News |
Why Dickinsonia Was Most Probably Not an Ediacaran Animal |
Evolution News |
Fossils Can Mislead Big Time |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers: Fossil record “dramatically distorted” |
Uncommon Descent |
Middle-Late Triassic insect radiation revealed by diverse fossils and isotopic ages from China |
Science Magazine |
A Big Bang of insects in the mid-to-late Triassic |
Uncommon Descent |
Earth's oldest animals formed complex ecological communities |
Science Daily |
Researchers: As soon as macroscopic life evolved, it formed communities |
Uncommon Descent |
Did Dinosaurs Evolve into Birds? |
Answers in Genesis |
The mystery of the dinosaur with crocodile jaws, bear claws and a sail |
New Scientist |
Tiny fossils reveal how shrinking was essential for successful evolution |
Science Daily |
Fat from 558 million years ago reveals earliest known animal |
Science Daily |
Fossilized Lipids Confirm Dickinsonia as One of the Earliest Animals |
The Scientist |
4-Billion-Year-Old Crystals Offer Clues to the Origins of Life |
National Geographic |
Darwinists Use Fossils as Props for Propaganda |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Fossil evidence of large flowering trees in N. America 15 million years earlier |
Science Daily |
Ignoring Other Research, New Study Explains (Away) the Origin of New Body Plans |
Evolution News |
Scientific Evidence Against a Naturalistic Origin of Life |
Richard M. Evans |
Did key building blocks for life come from deep space? |
Science Daily |
A standardized bacterial taxonomy based on genome phylogeny substantially revises the tree of life |
Nature |
Well established theories on patterns of evolution might be wrong |
Science Daily |
Jerry Coyne continues to be unhappy over David Quammen’s book on Carl Woese |
Uncommon Descent |
What Darwin Didn't Know About Evolution |
National Geographic |
Darwin’s Vigilantes: Fred Reed on why Darwinism persists |
Uncommon Descent |
Silly Darwin Stories Never Rebuked by Big Science, Big Media |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
New “fixed” bacterial Tree of Life looks like a cityscape |
Uncommon Descent |
No evolution of sulfur-cycling bacteria |
Creation.com |
A Twice-Retracted Paper on Sex Differences Ignites Debate |
The Scientist |
Neutron scattering to help with study of cell membranes |
Uncommon Descent |
Genome duplication drives evolution of species |
Science Daily |
Gut bacteria's shocking secret: They produce electricity |
Science Daily |
World's simplest animals as different from each other as humans and mice |
Uncommon Descent |
From Mancuso’s lab, we learn that plants are “information processing organisms.” |
Uncommon Descent |
Evolution by Blind Guidance Is Really Just Unguided Evolution |
Evolution News |
Birds' voiceboxes are odd ducks: Nothing has a voicebox quite like a bird's |
Science Daily |
The Design Packed Into a Fruit Fly |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Complex Organisms are Degenerating - Rapidly |
Detecting Design |
Is the human body badly designed? |
Creation.com |
Is the Human Body Poorly Designed? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Cells Use Elaborate Math to Adapt |
Critic of Intelligent Design Acknowledges: "Bad Design" Arguments Don't Work |
Evolution News |
Rare genetic disorders more complex than thought |
Science Daily |
Beyond Adaptation: The Human Brain Is Something New |
Evolution News |
A mosaic of characters in a new Early Cretaceous bird |
Effects from genetic mutations can vary dramatically from individual to individual |
Science Daily |
Darwinism Makes Human Ancestors Out to Be Morons |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers: Primate relationships more complex than thought |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Your DNA Is Still Uncharted Territory |
NY Times |
"Mutations Drive Evolution" |
Answers in Genesis |
Genetic determinism rides again |
Nature |
Can you evolve while being robust? Biophysical constraints on evolvability and robustness uncovered |
Science Daily |
Is the octopus a “second genesis of intelligence”? |
Mind Matters |
Lizards Pre-Programmed to Adapt Their Coloration |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Peter Ward: Epigenetics explains why there are fewer “species” than we think |
Uncommon Descent |
A study of chemical tags on histone proteins hints at how the same genome can yield very different animals |
The Scientist |
Stray proteins cause genetic disorders: Misaddressed proteins are mislocalized, with possibly fatal consequences for the cell |
Science Daily |
Neutron scattering: A window into the development of living cells |
Uncommon Descent |
Deadly plant's flowers in amber deadly to evolution |
Creation.com |
Imitating Silk: Ultra strong with passive cooling |
Uncommon Descent |
Humans may have only 19,000 coding genes |
Uncommon Descent |
Scientists Play Favorites with Studying Human Genes. Here's Why. |
The Scientist |
Evolutionary origins of animal biodiversity |
Science Daily |
Response to Swamidass: Rats, Mice, and Discrepant Molecular Clocks |
Evolution News |
Astrobiology Survives on Passionate Hope |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Evolutionary shift toward protein-based architecture in trypanosomal mitochondrial ribosomes |
Science Daily |
Eyes have a natural version of night vision |
Science Daily |
Jeanson's comments on Replacing Darwin debate |
Answers in Genesis |
Blazes of light reveal how plants signal danger long distances |
Science Daily |
High-resolution genomic map gives scientists unprecedented view of brain development |
Science Daily |
Massive Animal Sequencing Effort Releases First Set of Genomes |
The Scientist |
New Study Identifies Possible Ancestors of RNA |
Astrobiology Magazine |
Jumping genes drive changes in strawberries. In sex chromosomes. |
Uncommon Descent |
How Darwin gave rise to the now-troubled Six Emotions theory |
Mind Matters |
How Darwinism played a role in misreading emotions |
Uncommon Descent |
The Talking Ape Who Couldn't Really Talk |
Why apes can't talk: our study suggests they've got the voice but not the brains |
The Conversation |
Neanderthal Mocking Had No Basis |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Earliest known drawing found on rock in South African cave |
The Guardian |
"Oldest Known Drawing," and More Cases of Intelligent Design at Work in Science |
Evolution News |
Earliest known rock drawing at 73,000 years ago |
Uncommon Descent |
Claim for early humans in Madagascar disputed |
Cosmos Magazine |
Ancient bird bones redate human activity in Madagascar by 6,000 years |
Science Daily |
Dispute over recent find of tools on Madagascar from 10,500 ya |
Uncommon Descent |
3 Million Year Old Footprints Suggest Human-Like Walking Evolved Long Before Humans Did |
Science 2.0 |
Sociophysics and Econophysics, the Future of Social Science? |
JSTOR Daily |
Why Atheism was central to the Great Evil of the 20th Century |
Commentary Magazine |
How To Spot A Bad Scientific Theory |
Forbes |
On Biology of the Second Reich, New York Times Misses the Elephant in the Room |
Evolution News |
The world naturalism prevents us from seeing |
Uncommon Descent |
What Is Threatening Science? |
Project Syndicate |
Young Christians are leaving the church - Here's why - J. Warner Wallace |
Fox News Opinion |
Are people today more religious than in the past? |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Theistic Evolution Is Not a Good Option |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
A Deist in Christian Clothing? |
Evolution News |
Denis Lamoureux on the God-of-the-Gaps Fallacy |
Evolution News |
Response to Swamidass: Confusion in a Review of Theistic Evolution |
Evolution News |
Pushing the “free-will loophole” back to 7.8 billion years ago |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwinism — Yeah, It’s a Thing |
Uncommon Descent |
Barry Arrington: How my five-year-old is like a materialist |
Uncommon Descent |
Why Darwinism is Protected by the First Amendment |
Uncommon Descent |
Rigorous Inquiry and Ruffled Feathers |
Evolution News |
ID as a bridge between Francis Bacon and Thomas Aquinas |
Uncommon Descent |
Karl “falsification” Popper was dogmatic, but was that such a bad thing? |
Uncommon Descent |
When Science and Religion Were Connected |
JSTOR Daily |
Does philosophy still need mathematics and vice versa? |
Aeon |
Sam Harris vs. Jordan Peterson on whether an “objective” moral code is possible |
Uncommon Descent |
Science has a problem, and we must talk about it |
BackReaction |
Why we stick to false beliefs |
Science Daily |
Hard Science Has a Firm Grip on Unreality |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
There really is a space alien religion |
Uncommon Descent |
Even scientists jump to conclusions - and that's a problem |
Cosmos Magazine |
Enough of treating scientists like gods! |
Uncommon Descent |
Three Meanings of Evolution & Biblical Creation |
J.R. Miller - More than Cake |
Who Owns Science, Anyway? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Why do we think “social psychology” is science anyway? |
Uncommon Descent |
Suppressing Science at Brown University |
Evolution News |
Times a-changin’ New Scientist now hails mind over matter |
Uncommon Descent |
Call for atheism to be included in religious education |
The Guardian |
Are atheists less tolerant than others? |
Uncommon Descent |
Why atheists are not as rational as some like to think |
The Conversation |
Is there an atheist value system, at odds with traditional ones? |
Uncommon Descent |
Targeted Apologetics |
Answers in Genesis |
Quiz: Test your knowledge of evolution |
BBC News |
Apes can be generous. Are they just like humans then? |
Mind Matters |
BBC Plays Misinformation Teacher about Darwinism |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
A charismatic personality set back the acceptance of evolution 50 years before Darwin |
Science Daily |
Using Non-Evolution to Preach Evolution |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
At the Guardian: The “widespread notion that academia is morally superior is ridiculous” |
Uncommon Descent |
Discovery of Galileo's long-lost letter shows he edited his heretical ideas to fool the Inquisition |
Nature |
Response to Swamidass: Sniffing at 700+ Citations of Mainstream Scientific Literature |
Evolution News |
Scuzza Man on design law theory |
Uncommon Descent |
Why we can’t really live forever via advanced technology |
Uncommon Descent |
How Bitcoin Works: The social value of trust |
Mind Matters |
To Improve Credibility, Science Must Get Out of Politics |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
If a conventional evolutionary psychology claim is true, masculinity is “in crisis”? |
Uncommon Descent |
Robert Marks: Slaughterbots - Is it ethical to develop a swarm of killer AI drones? |
Mind Matters |
Eric Holloway: Slaughterbots: How far is too far? |
Mind Matters |
Can machines be persons? |
Mind Matters |
How do robots “care”? |
Mind Matters |
Is the future of jobs over? Should people be paid to let machines do the work? |
Mind Matters |
Sam Harris, atheists and charitable giving |
Uncommon Descent |
Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole |
Quillette |
Smartphone 10 Conversation 0 |
Mind Matters |